Very soon the debate was going on and Monica, who is really pro-America, found a lot of arguments against the USA’s foreign policies. Even Jocke found believable arguments that were in favor of the Arabs, even though he was thinking of killing all Arabs in the world when he stepped into the classroom.

The lesson was ending and then somebody asked: “Well, Gunnel, who wins? Who has the best arguments?”

I was just about to answer when Monica started talking: “Does it matter? Why do we argue so much? Does someone really have to be more right than someone else? I think that nobody is really right or wrong. Nobody wins and nobody loses. We are all humans and we have to respect one another, but then we have to learn to communicate and understand each other, instead of killing one another!” I was startled by the outburst and everybody applauded. The pupils started to leave the classroom. Smiling, quiet and happy.

“Wasn’t that fun?” whispered one of the Arab girls to the other.

“Hell of a cool lesson!” said Jocke. Lasse, Kalle, Anders, Martin and the rest of the boys agreed.

Students in 8th gradeFrom “A Teacher’s Diary” – Gunnel Sofia Wahlberg-Lindstedt

Hi Gunnel And Lars-Åke! You are so nice and I am so grateful that I choose to attend your course. The wholeness and the meaning of life were so well put together; from yoga, to painting and reading, to communication and the vegetarian food. I continue with the 5 Tibetans and some yoga, and your tips about painting with water colors. I read “The Celestine Prophecy” about 15 years ago when I started my self-discovery journey, but have since given it away, however now I want to read it again, as well as The Tao of Pooh. The only thing I would wish is that you, Gunnel, would have been reading slower, in order to really think everything over. Today we finished our Vedic art and I really felt the sun in my heart, just like when I was at your place! I hope to see you again and I wish you many gold stars in heaven.

KristinaYoga & Painting, May 2019

We were welcome with the best weather in a fantastic environment created by two enthusiasts, two beautiful people with big hearts, humble, warm and above everything else very knowledgeable on how to live, think, and communicate.

Development! The soul and the senses got a four-day massage 🙂

We had excellent rooms. We had food prepared in accordance with the chakras. In accordance with the yoga. All the time there was a red thread.

We learned how the different colors behaved with each other. With guidance and free creativity. Nothing is wrong, nothing is right. No pointing fingers showing you how to do it. So nice to learn like that!

Talking about the work of the day and Gunnel reading to us in the early evening. It accompanied us to our beds and we fell asleep like children and wished the new day to start soon.

Good schedule. No stress, and we had a lot of time for body, soul and expression.

Thank you wonderful Gunnel and Lars-Åke!

Ann-BrittYoga & Painting, May 2019